Mondo Musica (2003.10.3-5) Fiela di Cremona

- is the exhibition for instruments held in cremona every year. Not only violine harpsichode, guiter, winds instruments, and tonewoods, books and so on. Also lectures and concerts are held in this term.

La mostra dei strumenti, non solo violini ma anche clavicecembali, liuticonstruttori, strumenti a fiato, legname pregiato e libli. Anche si e tenuto le conferenze e i concerti.

There were about 130 shops in the exhibition plane, I thought it's ten times larger than Japan exhibition stringed instruments (thinking of quantity and quality). The price of tonewoods were much lower than that in Japan, I bought some cheap woods for the test. (Good quality woods, I bought at the shop of ,,, !? )

C'erano circa 130 espositori nella fiera, ho pensato che e piu' grande 10 volte di fiera giappone (pensando la qualita' e quantita'). Ho comprato i legni economici per la prova. (cc International Tonewoods)

*** Interesting shops. / I negozii interessanti. ***

Virgoletti and Sakamoto's booth (right). There were a lot of bows berzin school, pecatte school, fetique school ,,,of Raffin (the left), . The right is Photo of Sakamoto with Stradivari and Montagnana.

Some shops showed white violinecellos for test playing.
Ho trovato degli violonecelli bianci.

Italian people are good at displaying and presentation. With red carpet, we feel them higher grade ?
Good! Negri Music(objet hunging violines, left), Eric Blot's (like a jewelry box, right)

I played some violinecellos of Bologna makers, and looked at Palma makers' violines.
Ho suonato degle violoncelli alla bologna
