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Masao Yokoyama (1973 - , born in Hiroshima, Japan) studied Information Science at Waseda University for his master's degree, and he completed his doctor's degree in Engineering at Toyo University in 2009. He also studied composition under Prof. T. Hisatome in Tokyo.
His original and arrangement works for chamber music are published by Universal Edition, Yamaha Music Media, Musica Gioia, Hotta gakuhu. Some works have been selected as final piece in composition competitions. Many of them have been performed by from amateur musicians to professional musicians of Austria, Germany, Italy, Czech, Ukraine, Japan and so on. Textbooks for classical music and computer programing are also published by Morikita Co. and Gijutsu-Hyouron-Sha Co. in Japan. His current research interests include music composition applying computer program and mathematics. On the other hand, he composes the works in classical music style based on Japanese traditional music such as Gagaku, Shoumyou, Nagauta and folk song. He has been a university professor, Meisei University in Tokyo since 2012, and has audio processing and programming classes based on the electronics music and study the multimedia works with students. Japanese Society for Sonic Arts, Vice President. Member of Acoustical society of Japan and so on.
YouTube : Masao Yokoyama Music and Instrument
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Facebook: masao.yokoyama
Contact Form: here E-mail: a-a (at) cello-maker . com
in Japanese 1973年広島で生まれ、東京と埼玉で育つ。早稲田大学で情報学の修士を経て東洋大学で工学博士を取得。作曲を久留智久氏に師事。現在、東京多摩地区にある明星大学の教授として、コンピュータや数理、AIを取り入れた音楽やマルチメディア作品の制作と研究に従事している。 作品はユニバーサル(ウィーン)、ムジカ・ジョイア(チェコ)、ヤマハミュージックメディア、ホッタガクフ(東京)などから出版され、これまでにアマチュアからプロフェッショナルまで幅広く、各国の演奏家によって演奏されている。 著書には『やさしい音と音楽のプログラミング』(森北出版)『科学で読み解くクラシック音楽入門』(技術評論社)がある。 また、10才よりチェロを始めヤマハPMSで講師を務めたのち現在ではチェロの指導や演奏、音楽祭のイベント企画等にも従事している。先端芸術音楽創作学会副会長。NPO法人地域芸術振興サポートセンター理事長。 Youtubeチャネル: Masao Yokoyama Music and Instrument
Facebook: masao.yokoyama
Contact Form: here E-mail: a-a (at) cello-maker . com
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(c) M.Yokoyama